Hello AIIP members!
Happy New Year! The end of a year (like right now) is a perfect time to reflect on all you have accomplished in the year, and what you would like to see happen in the new year. I am in the midst of these assessments myself, and thought I’d share two frameworks that have helped me.First – in reflecting on your past year, take some advice from this Forbes article. When reflecting on our progress, we tend to spend too much time thinking about our ideal end point and the “gap” we see from what we have achieved to where we ideally want to be, which can lead to disappointment and frustration. Instead, focus on the “gain” – what did you accomplish so far as compared to where you started? Give yourself some credit for all you have accomplished!
Next – in planning for the upcoming year, in lieu of resolutions, consider this concept of “Three Words” that was originally introduced by Chris Brogan. Pick three (relatively simple) words – either nouns or verbs – that reflect your intentions for activity (work and otherwise) for the year. Keep those three words top of mind, maybe with a sticky note on your monitor. As you go about your daily activities, consider how well your activities connect to your three words, and try to lean toward activities that connect to those words. And – as we move into 2025 as AIIPers, I wanted to share some of the topics we are discussing at our monthly Board meetings to keep you informed. Some of our key topics and activities moving into 2025 include:
- Finding new ways for members to communicate with each other, to help form more of a community among our members spread out across the globe
- Managing our finances as we plan for future activities into 2026
- Addressing our goals for recruitment and retention – along with volunteer needs (see more below on some specific volunteer needs that might be a great fit for you!)
- Supporting the Symposium Planning Committee to help launch our Global Virtual AIIP25 event (Registration is open!)
In this update:
- Attention Retiring AIIP Members
- Volunteer Needs
- Upcoming Events
Attention Retiring AIIP Members!
Is your solopreneur career coming to a close? Are you heading toward retirement (or perhaps already there)?
When you own your own business, who gives you a retirement party? AIIP does, that’s who!
Please let me know if you are already – or planning to be - retired before April 2025. We want to celebrate your years of accomplishment and learn from your wisdom! But first we need to know WHO among us is planning to retire.
The retirement party will be March 18, 2025 at noon Eastern, and we will plan some fun activities for those retiring and those just getting started. Sorry – no gold watch or cake! But know that your contributions as an infopreneur are valued and we want to celebrate your career. Contact me if you want to be a part of the retirement celebration – which will start before the party in March!
If you are retiring, already retired or know someone who is retiring? Email me at President@aiip.org and share so we can include you in the celebration!
Volunteer NeedsAre you ready to demonstrate your talents – or perhaps to learn a new skill? Volunteering with AIIP is the perfect way to show off your capabilities – or to help you learn something new that can help your business! We have plenty of volunteer opportunities so check them out and see what might be a good fit for you! AIIP is a volunteer-run organization, and we can’t continue to support our members with great content without our volunteers. Options range from special projects that last for just a few months, to longer term roles on a committee that typically only take up a couple hours a month. Connect with your peers, show off your capabilities or learn something new! Some specific needs right now include Social Media, Peer to Peer Committee and Virtual Events Committee. Email volunteers@aiip.org to learn more about which opportunity is the right fit for you!
Kelly Berry
AIIP President, 2024-2025