May 2019 | Kelly Berry, Elizabeth McLean and Betty Nordeng
Webinar Committee was transformed into the Virtual Events Committee in January 2019, in response to requests from our members for different ways to present valuable content and provide virtual networking opportunities. Since that time, Kelly Berry (ResourceAbility, LLC), Elizabeth McLean (Knowsaic), and Betty Nordeng (WillowRiv Consulting) have imagined, created, tested, tried, evaluated, and improved AIIP’s virtual event program with creativity and grace.
Because of their hard work, AIIP members now have a well-received selection of virtual meetings and other virtual events. Kelly, Liz and Betty are willing to try out new technology, make mistakes, break things and nevertheless, persist. AIIP thanks these dedicated volunteers for making the Virtual Events Committee and its offerings a huge success. Read more on the AIIP Connections Blog.
AIIP’s video hosting service needed an upgrade for the the functionality and the flexibility needed to keep up with growing demand. Jennifer Pflaumer and Becky Leung volunteered to take on an analysis of products and services we might use to upgrade our capabilities. They created a list of requirements, prioritized those functional requirements, and then began the hard work of analyzing the alternatives and providing fact-based recommendations. Jennifer and Becky’s hard work resulted in the AIIP Board selecting Vimeo as our new hosting platform. We would like to thank Jennifer and Becky for stepping up to the plate and hitting it out of the park!
—Scott Attenborough, AIIP President-Elect
“As an information technologist, Jennifer lends her technical chops to AIIP as the Web Team lead. She gracefully juggles a chorus of requests from across the organization. Jennifer is a leader with strong shoulders. Becky is a technical content expert who loves to take on important projects. For every new idea tossed her way, Becky says, 'Bring it on'. Her strong technical expertise was invaluable to the hosting platform discussion. I'm grateful that Jennifer and Becky stepped up to help push AIIP's digital presence forward.”
—Jane Langeman, AIIP President
“I enjoyed working with Jennifer Pflaumer and the AIIP Web Team to evaluate potential audio/video hosting platforms to replace the existing platform. I learned about the current AIIP webinar uploading process. I look forward to working with the AIIP Web Team and Webinar team on the migration to the new Vimeo platform.” Becky Leung — AIIP Web Team |
| “It was great to work with Becky on the project. Her tech knowledge and ability to assess systems against the requirements was exactly what we needed to make the best recommendation for the video platform. In the process I also learned a lot about what to look for when evaluating these types of systems, and most of all, the value of knowing what the requirements are – if you have the requirements locked in, it can help whittle down the potential systems quite efficiently.” Jennifer Pflaumer — AIIP Web Team |
2016 | Peggy Garvin, Garvin Consulting

AIIP’s diverse mix of information professionals has exacting expectations. Every year, for many of us, the AIIP Annual Conference is the highlight of the entire year. At the center of it all in 2016 was Peggy Garvin.
Peggy wrote, "It was an honor for me to lead the conference planning for AIIP 2016 in Pittsburgh, where I grew up. . . I have volunteered to work on two other AIIP conferences in the past, one in Pittsburgh in 2008 and another in Baltimore in 2014. Before that, I took on program planning and leadership roles for SLA and several local groups, and helped as staff for the conferences hosted by past employers. What was special about coordinating the AIIP conference is that it requires bringing all of the pieces of a conference, from start to end, together into one cohesive experience for your audience. It is a bit like staging a major performance."
She continued, "The experience made it clear to me that AIIP is what individual members, working together, make it. There is no 'they' to innovate and get things done. It takes you. I was fortunate to have a great team that came up with creative solutions and carried them out, and I am truly grateful to each and every one of them."
Peggy has been a star in her role as Conference Chair. I admired Peggy’s leadership of the conference team scattered around the world. She is calm, forward thinking, across the detail, happy to delegate and very appreciative. The proof of her skills is in the wonderful Pittsburgh conference and the legacy she is leaving to run a great conference in New Orleans in 2017.
—Heather Carine, Workshops Coordinator, AIIP Pittsburgh 2016
How lucky are we to have had a leader like Peggy Garvin for our 2016 conference? She preserved what was best of our conference traditions while shaking things up in ways that tickled. Peggy is a first rate project manager and an even more valuable AIIP leader.
—Jane Langeman, AIIP President, 2016-2017
"If you've worked on a conference planning team, you know what a herculean job it is. If you haven't, a) you should, and b) hope like heck for a leader like Peggy Garvin. Peggy led the team with grace, patience and professionalism, and the results demonstrate her effectiveness. 5 stars for Garvin!"
—Anne Hengehold, 2016 conference volunteer
2015 | Cathy Chiba, Dauratus Research
Cathy has been an enthusiastic member of the AIIP webinar team for several years and is crucial to delivering the high-value professional development that AIIP offers to members via its webinars. Said Webinar Chair Mary Ellen Bates, “Cathy has been a great asset to the webinar team, providing the backstage support that enables webinars to run smoothly. She always brings a fresh perspective, sense of humor, and generous spirit.”
With her trademark green hair, fiber-optic light-up umbrellas, huge smile and infectious laughter, Cathy is a creative force to be reckoned with and easily spotted at AIIP events! Marketing Director Jennifer Burke said, “Cathy is simply one of the biggest and best brand advocates that AIIP has!”
The AIIP Volunteer Spotlight award always pleasantly surprises its winners, and Cathy was no different. When informed of recognition of her volunteer contributions, Cathy replied. “Whoa! I didn’t expect to be recognized! But thank you: it’s a delight and an honour.” Cathy likes the opportunity that AIIP gives to work on teams and projects of varying length, intensity and duration - all opportunities to learn as well as give back.
Jennifer says "Can do!” and does it—which is a wonderful attribute in a volunteer. We had aggregated information from similar organizations to AIIP. Jennifer analyzed it, organized it and came up with recommendations for the Board to coordinate all of AIIP’s marketing opportunities in one document. Her marketing and information background helped develop an important guide for AIIP’s future growth.
Jennifer says: I appreciate the opportunity to give back to an organization that is now quite dear to my heart and invaluable to my professional life and business. It’s been great to work with Susan Berkman and others on the AIIP board to craft documents and plans to help others see how wonderful AIIP is and make a difference in growing the organization. I’m honored for the recognition and look forward to more opportunities like this one!