We are Writing & Editing Specialists

As independent information professionals (IIPs), members in this community of practice tell our clients' stories and support them in meeting their mission.

  • From ideation to composition, editing, and publishing, we create engaging content for our clients.
  • We articulate the vision by developing white papers, blog posts, articles, research papers, web content, and more.
  • We use our technical communication skills, creativity, and publishing knowledge to make our clients shine.  
What we have in common is the ability to provide our clients a powerful voice to promote their products, services, and ideas for greater impact.

Examples of the Work We Do

  • Editing
  • Grant/Proposal Writing
  • Promotional Copy Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Publishing
  • Translations
  • Web Content Development

what our members say

Marydee Ojala photo“I'm an AIIP member because it brings me into contact with thoughtful, knowledgeable, and creative people. They give me ideas for topics to write about and people I can turn to when seeking authors for publications I edit.”

-  Marydee Ojala, Ojala Associates - Researcher, Writer, Editor

Karen Klein photo

"AIIP provides a collegial environment, educational opportunities, incredible knowledge sharing, and a forum to develop professional partnerships with like-minded colleagues. The AIIP listserv is rich with tips and resources that I frequently apply to my business. In addition, attending the annual AIIP conference hones my skills and connects me to an incredibly bright group of people—often leading to collaborations on projects.

- Karen Klein, Fulcrum Information Resources - Business Researcher, Project Manager, Technical Writer


AIIP: Association of Independent Information Professionals:  Knowledge Delivered

Association of Independent Information Professionals

8550 United Plaza Blvd #1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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