Previews: Get Ready for the AIIP 2024 SymposiumMagnolia Hotel St. Louis |
Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and why you don’t want miss this event!Hear what AIIP members have to say about the #AIIP24 program and the unique AIIP symposium experience. The AIIP Symposium is the only event you'll find that's focused on the business needs of the independent information professional. Click on the thumbnails to hear what our members have to say about sessions, value, and more. HIGHLIGHTING the aiip symposium experienCe |
Info-preneurs and Business at the Next Level with AIMary Ellen Bates and Zakia Ringgold will address the opportunities AI creates for information entrepreneurs during their sessions at AIIP's 2024 Symposium. This March 14 conversation highlights some of the aspects they'll cover in-depth in St. Louis. Hosted by Jennifer Burke. Click on the thumbnail to watch the recording on LinkedIn. |
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