Symposium previews

Previews: Get Ready for the AIIP 2024 Symposium

Magnolia Hotel St. Louis
421 North 8th Street
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

April 18–21, 2024

Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and why you don’t want miss this event!

Hear what AIIP members have to say about the #AIIP24 program and the unique AIIP symposium experience.

The AIIP Symposium is the only event you'll find that's focused on the business needs of the independent information professional. Click on the thumbnails to hear what our members have to say about sessions, value, and more.

HIGHLIGHTING the aiip symposium experienCe

New Infopreneurs:  Time for the Business Jumpstart Bootcamp

Click on the thumbnail to watch the recording on LinkedIn. The live session was recorded on April 11, 2024 with bootcamp presenters Jennifer Burke, Janel Kinlaw, and Margaret King.

Screenshot from LinkedIn live with AIIP24 bootcamp presenters Jennifer Burke, Janel Kinlaw, and Margaret King

Info-preneurs and Business at the Next Level with AI

Mary Ellen Bates and Zakia Ringgold will address the opportunities AI creates for information entrepreneurs during their sessions at AIIP's 2024 Symposium. This March 14 conversation highlights some of the aspects they'll cover in-depth in St. Louis. Hosted by Jennifer Burke.

Click on the thumbnail to watch the recording on LinkedIn.

Thumbnail view of March 14 LinkedIn session with Jennifer Burke, Zakia Ringgold, and Mary Ellen Bates

From AI to Setting Goals:  AIIP 2024 Symposium Preview

AIIP members Kelly Berry and Elizabeth McLean talk with Keynote Speaker Dr. Sarah Glova about self-concordant goals, learning agendas, the importance of building your network, and much more in this energizing preview, recorded on February 29, 2024.

#AIIP24 - Taking Your Business to the Next Level

In this LinkedIn Live recording from January 29, 2024, Jennifer Burke, Elizabeth Hutchinson, and Susan Baerwald share what they get from the AIIP Symposium experience, why they keep coming back, and what to expect in this year's conference program and bootcamp.

Click the thumbnail to watch the program on LinkedIn.

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AIIP: Association of Independent Information Professionals:  Knowledge Delivered

Association of Independent Information Professionals

8550 United Plaza Blvd #1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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