AIIP Virtual Meeting: Info Pro Cafe: Creating Our Value Story

  • 29 Mar 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • virtual

Something that has been discussed often on AIIP-L and at webinars is how to describe the value of the skill set(s) we offer in a way that is meaningful to our customers. Sometimes our examples can be a little “fuzzy”. So how can we start from an intangible skill (e.g. communicator/sharer), break that into a the term we use but which still may be unknown to our audience (e.g. storyteller), and then further break it down into clearly understood pieces that resonate with our customers?

In this session let’s try and bring our collective AIIP heads to this issue and in this session look at some common skills many information professionals share and see how we might translate those to “good marketing copy.” Example skills we will try to apply this to in this session are:
- communicator/sharer
- digital literate/ knowledgeable on technology uses and purposes
- uses information and generates knowledge to solve unknown challenges in a variety of contexts

Meeting is from noon-1pm Eastern time.

*** NOTE: The URL to join this members-only meeting has been posted on AIIP-L. If you need the URL, please email the Virtual Events Committee at

AIIP: Association of Independent Information Professionals:  Knowledge Delivered

Association of Independent Information Professionals

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Baton Rouge, LA 70809

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